21st Century Stepford Wife
This site as well as the book is designed to give the modern-day Woman the necessary tools needed to navigate Marriage and Relationships in the 21st Century.
We now live in a time when for the first time in history, single individuals out number married couples. Why is marriage no longer a desirable concept? I recently read an article that stated that marriage in the 21st century was becoming obsolete. What is driving this decline in the desire for couples to marry?
Today, many couples face distractions such as social media. While social media has added convenience to our lives, it has not been without consequence.
There are sites designed to aid in infidelity. Sites that advise you on healthy relationships that are unhealthy. I want to provide an alternative to some of the negativity surrounding marriage and relationships in the 21st century.
Marriage consists of highs and lows and everything in-between. I have certainly, experienced that in my 39 years and counting marriage. I was fortunate in that I had women in my life who guided me and gave me sound and practical advice. The goal of this site as well as the book is to share with woman and men what I and my husband have learned about marriage. We want to serve as examples of how marriage can be beautiful and healthy provided you are willing to put in the effort.
Through the site as well as the book and blog, I will share with you practical tools so that you can avoid some of the challenges we all face and hopefully avoid the pitfall of the dreaded “D” word, Divorce.
So, join me on this journey and discover ways that you can enhance your relationship and navigate this wonderfully complex state called Marriage.
I’m available for lectures and group speaking engagements. Call For Details
Follow me on @21stcenturystepfordwife on Facebook
@21Cstepfordwife on Twitter
21stcenturystepfordwife on instagram
C. Denise Whitehead, CPLC